Moving Disability Ministries

By sharing his journey to a life of faith, Minister Thomas inspires others to make the journey from disability to hope. This disability ministry encourages others to reach their potential, and shows them that there’s a better way. To experience the moving work of Tomob Global MS personally, simply contact us today.

Our Mission

We strive to have a positive impact on the church, societies, Christian public, and private institutions. This includes colleges, universities, non-profit organisations, and many more throughout the world. This would be accomplished through adopting a biblical worldview and life-giving truth on issues pertaining to life, dignity, justice, and equality that affect people with disabilities. There are more than 600 million disabled people throughout the world, many of whom have lost hope. Many see them as “the often forgotten group”. Our mission therefore, is to restore faith and hope in them using the word of God.

Our Core Values


God teaches us that life comes from Him being the Creator and Sustainer of all things, and is therefore sacred. 

  • Genesis 2:7
  • Colossians. 2:15-17


He teaches us that we are created in His image and, as such, have inherent dignity, value, and worth irrespective of physical capability or intellectual function. 

  • Genesis 1:27


The character of God is revealed to us as God of love, mercy and justice.

  • Psalm 37: 5, 6


Every individual is equal in the eyes of God and should be treated as such.

  • Romans 10:12
  • 1 Corinthians 12:12


For that reason, the topmost priority of every Christian as given by our Lord Jesus Christ is to bring all people including the disabled to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

  • Matthew 28: 18-20

An Important Thing to Remember

“People with disabilities are created in the image of God, and that is measured according to the person of Christ, and not by any other person. As we know, God doesn’t make mistake, and people with disabilities should be appreciated as being uniquely different, even differently-abled.

“Our friends with disabilities remind us of God’s grace. For without Christ, you were once disabled spiritually, unable to move into His Kingdom, as well as blind to His purpose, and deaf to His voice. But by His grace you are being made whole. Disabilities are not necessarily evil or blemishes to be eliminated, and there is the need to change this perception.

“People with disabilities are people who first shouldn’t be defined solely by their disabilities. More particularly people with disabilities are agents in their own right. Of course, some are more capable of independent agency than others, but we now realize that our historical perspectives that pitied such people are misinformed. People with disabilities should be allowed to define their own needs and wants, to the extent that such is possible, and should be consulted rather than cared for paternalistically as if they were completely helpless people.”

Professor Dr. Amos Yong 

Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.

Essential Knowledge

God Has Glorified People with Disabilities

  • Psalm 119:71-77 
  • Romans 8:28
  • John 9:1-12 
  • Corinthians 12:9

We’re Obliged to Reach out, No Matter What it Costs

  • Proverbs 11:30b 
  • Corinthians 12:9a 
  • Ephesians 4:11-16
  • Luke 5:17-26 
  • Galatians 4:12-14 
  • Colossians 3:12-14
  • John 15:5-8, 12-17 
  • Galatians 6:9-10

We Should Reach out to Those with Disabilities

  • Psalm 119:130 
  • Matthew 28:18-20
  • Corinthian12:12-31
  • Isaiah 58:10 
  • Luke 14:12-23 
  • Galatians 5:14 & 6:2
  • Matthew 22:36-39 
  • John 4:34-35 
  • Philippians 2:1-4
  • Matthew 25:14-46 
  • John 15:9-17

Quote from Joni Eareckson Tada

“Our friends with disabilities remind us of God’s grace. For without Christ, you were once disabled spiritually, unable to move into His Kingdom, as well as blind to His purpose, and deaf to His voice. But by His grace you are being made whole.”

The Bible Commands Us All

“’Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. “Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.’” – (Luke 14:21b – 23)

Speaking on the topic ‘Disability and the Church’ in Mercy Seat Ministries in Brussels, Belgium

This ministry is designed to effectively reach these people with the gospel. Our role is to educate every congregation about Jesus’ love for those with disabilities. We do this in the following ways:

- Creating disability awareness in churches all over the world. This is to educate the whole world about great ways to use the talents of people in all congregations or network of Churches that face the challenges of disabilities and get others involved in ministering to them.

  • This is an ideal opportunity to make congregations aware of “the need, the why, and the how to” of a ministry for the disabled.

- Minister to individuals who have disability or to a parent who has a child with a disability in this church congregation and /or neighbourhood.
- Pray and reach out to the disabled world-wide and others in our network of churches worldwide.
- Organise seminars and training on motivation and inspiration for disabled people and everyone.
- Organisation of disability awareness that can help churches worldwide in a variety of ways.
- Organise speeches or provide programs ranging from disability awareness presentation on Sundays or a weekday church service, or seminars and conferences.
- Offer disability awareness programs and a variety of bible studies and resources for youth and adults
- Provide speakers for:

  • Bible Colleges
  • Christian Schools
  • Colleges
  • Non-Profit Organisations
  • Seminary
  • Universities

Minister Thomas visits Africa (Ghana) to speak on ‘Disability and the way forward’.

Third World Ministry

In third-world countries, children born with disabilities are seen as cursed, and early age disabilities often viewed with suspicion and prejudice and are also seen as cursed. Minister Thomas preaches worldwide to challenge these opinions and views and further entreats people to open their hearts to the disabled and those suffering. He does this through his world-wide evangelistic outreaches.

Preaching to Edify the Adult Body of Christ

Minister Thomas encourages people to have faith in the word of God in all circumstances, acting upon the word with faith, hope, and confidence. He emphatically assures everybody that if God can use a man with only one arm like himself, then he can use any willing heart. 

Preaching to Edify the Youth Body of Christ

Many teenagers try to commit themselves to Jesus, but find it very difficult to live Christ-like way of life. Minister Thomas challenges Christian teenagers to avoid issues such as bullying and unnecessary self-esteem and rather focus on hard work and place God first in whatever they do. 

Thomas explains that if it is always reasonable to ask a second opinion from a doctor about medical issues, why not get a second opinion when you are in despair or in complete loss of hope? This second opinion is the word of God. Minister Thomas reveals the promises of God and shares his own experiences of how God has transformed him and given him strength through times of despair. He encourages the youth all over the world to be confident, bold, resolute, and hardworking, placing and advising them not to conform to the passing things of this world, but rather fix their eyes on eternal hope and purpose.

Thomas with his great friend Evangelist Nick Vujicic. Both men are world-class Motivational Speakers and strong Disability Advocates

For further information on our disability ministry, call our minister today.